Sep 17, 2024: "CCS 24AN momoko, wh and bk " On Sale

New products will arrive at our shop on September 17, 2024.

- CCS 24AN momoko  wh
- CCS 24AN momoko bk

JPY22,000 each

September 17 (TUE), 2024, around 15:00 in JP standard time ( 06:00 in UTC) on sale.
Regarding time in your area, please refer to WORLD CLOCK.
- You can purchase only one package per one item regarding these items at one session. (You can order each 1 for wh and bk at one order.)
- You can place orders for one item repeatedly.
- These items are "First Come First Served", sorry when the items are sold out.
- The item(s) in the cart is/are not reserved until you complete your checkout,
and the item(s) in your cart can be sold out during your checkout session.
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